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Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition/CND

Who we are

Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition campaigns for peace and nuclear disarmament. We are a strictly non party-political organisation affiliated to National CND, London Region CND, Network for Peace, the Campaign Against the Arms Trade and the United Nations Association.

What we do

We organise events such as our annual candle-floating on Rushmere Pond, to mark the anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb, public meetings with visiting speakers, and the weekly Vigil for Peace. We attend national demonstrations and protest marches with our own banner (WDC/CND were among the million members of the Hyde Park demonstration before the Iraq war) and lobby our local MP and members of the Government to ensure that they are aware of the background to international and military decisions.

For members, we publish a detailed monthly newsletter — back issues are available on this website.

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How to contact us

Alison Williams
Flat 11 Wilberforce House
119 Worple Road
London SW20 8ET

Twitter: @WDCCND